Hi, I’m Advait

Advait Reddy is a joyful 8 year old boy who lives in Seattle, Washington with his mom, dad, and brother. He attends  Seattle Country Day School aka SCDS.

Inspired by the time he spent learning on different math websites, Advait wanted to create his own website. He gathered additional inspiration from his brother Vehd’s website (you can check out Vehd’s website at cleanourearth.org).  Advait likes that Math4good teaches math through the enjoyment of sports, and that it gives kids the power to help the environment.  Fun fact: Advait hand drew every single game before making them virtual!

As his favorite pastime, Advait loves to play soccer with his dad on the turf in his backyard, and also on his Seattle United soccer team. He loves to spend his free time on soccer, golf, math, and reading. Advait loves a good laugh. When he is not inventing he is usually playing soccer, or playing tricks on his brother. His favorite color is gold. Someday, he would love to go to Paris, France to see his favorite soccer team, Paris Saint Germain play. His favorite subject in school is PE. Advait loves dogs and someday wants to get a golden retriever named Rufus. 

Happy playing! — Advait.