Why save the planet?

Humans are headed towards a future of heat waves, floods, and hurricanes. At least, that is the general agreement in this modern age.  And, in many ways it’s too late to do anything about the environmental impact that human choices are going to have on the earth during this decade .  But, there is hope that the trend of humans negatively impacting the health of the earth could improve after 2030. The current youth, including myself,  will be around after 2030. But guess what? Many of the grown-ups that contributed to climate change problems will either be gone or not be around much longer to experience the detrimental effects on the environment.  

It’s time we take charge by taking  care of our one and only home!

It’s also clear that technology is going to change our lives in unexpected ways -- not only with video games and social media but with artificial intelligence, biotech and robots. We need all the skills to know how to live with technology, wisely. And math thinking can help us do that!

Math4Good is proud to support these environmental causes: #teamtrees & #teamseas.


#Teamtrees, our first cause, is a campaign that started on social media in May 2019. MrBeast, a YouTuber, joined forces with another YouTuber by the name of Mark Rober to launch the #teamtrees campaign. Their mission was to impress upon people that something as simple as planting trees can have a large positive impact on world when done on massive scale. Visit the website https://teamtrees.org/.


Our second cause is #Teamseas, which is a world-wide campaign aimed at raising money to be used to remove trash from the ocean. #Teamseas supports the Ocean Cleanup and Ocean Conservancy. The awesome work of #Teamseas is overseen by Mark Rober, Mrbeast, and Matt Fitzgerald. Like Math4Good, #Teamseas eliminates 1 pound of trash for every $1 that is raised. So in that sense, 1 point is 1 pound of trash removed from the ocean. Visit their website for more information: https://teamseas.org/.